
Taiwan's International Financial Competitiveness
No Category Sub-category Data
1 Degree of internationalization Share of aggregate market capitalization held by foreign investors (stock exchanges; OTC markets) 38.47
Foreign denominated bonds outstanding (Unit: NT$ billion) 6,293.3
Operating revenues of overseas branch units (incl. OBUs) of domestic banks (Unit: NT$ billion)) 926
Pre-tax earnings of overseas branch units (incl. OBUs) of domestic banks (Unit: NT$ billion) 112
2 Ease of obtaining business loans Outstanding amount of SME loans by domestic banks (Unit: NT$ billion) 9,766
Outstanding loans of domestic banks as percentage of GDP 148.04
3 Bank soundness Avg. NPL coverage ratio of domestic banks
Avg. NPL ratio of domestic banks
Avg. capital adequacy ratio of domestic banks
Avg. ratio of Tier I capital to risk-weighted assets among domestic banks
Avg. ROA among domestic banks
Avg. ROE among domestic banks
4 Bank efficiency Bank assets as share of GDP 272.02
Credit cards in circulation (Unit: 1000 cards)
Aggregate credit card debt (Unit: NT$ billion)
Banks and branch units (per 100,000 population) 26.61
5 Stock market efficiency TSE Aggregate market capitalization (unit: NT$ billion) 56,842
Aggregate market capitalization as share of GDP 241.49
Stock market trading volume (Unit: NT$ billion) 6,131
Stock market turnover rate 10.79
P/E ratio 21.12
Domestic companies with an exchange listing 997
Share of aggregate market capitalization held by foreign investors 40.63
Stock index volatility (change from preceding month) 2.85
OTC Aggregate market capitalization (unit: NT$ billion) 5,792
Aggregate market capitalization as share of GDP 24.61
Stock market trading volume (Unit: NT$ billion) 1,475
Stock market turnover rate 25.46
P/E ratio 29.85
Domestic companies with an OTC listing 816
Share of aggregate market capitalization held by foreign investors 17.35
Stock index volatility (change from preceding month) 0.98
6 Insurance efficiency Insurance density (Unit: NT Dollars) 103,871
Insurance penetration 10.34

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