
Taiwan's International Financial Competitiveness
No Category Sub-category Data
1 Degree of internationalization Share of aggregate market capitalization held by foreign investors (stock exchanges; OTC markets) 40.72
Foreign denominated bonds outstanding (Unit: NT$ billion) 6,385.44
Operating revenues of overseas branch units (incl. OBUs) of domestic banks (Unit: NT$ billion)) 273
Pre-tax earnings of overseas branch units (incl. OBUs) of domestic banks (Unit: NT$ billion) 30
2 Ease of obtaining business loans Outstanding amount of SME loans by domestic banks (Unit: NT$ billion) 9,866
Outstanding loans of domestic banks as percentage of GDP 141.66
3 Bank soundness Avg. NPL coverage ratio of domestic banks
Avg. NPL ratio of domestic banks
Avg. capital adequacy ratio of domestic banks
Avg. ratio of Tier I capital to risk-weighted assets among domestic banks
Avg. ROA among domestic banks
Avg. ROE among domestic banks
4 Bank efficiency Bank assets as share of GDP 259.73
Credit cards in circulation (Unit: 1000 cards)
Aggregate credit card debt (Unit: NT$ billion)
Banks and branch units (per 100,000 population) 26.62
5 Stock market efficiency TSE Aggregate market capitalization (unit: NT$ billion) 64,513
Aggregate market capitalization as share of GDP 259.48
Stock market trading volume (Unit: NT$ billion) 9,266
Stock market turnover rate 14.36
P/E ratio 23.53
Domestic companies with an exchange listing 1,006
Share of aggregate market capitalization held by foreign investors 43.03
Stock index volatility (change from preceding month) 7
OTC Aggregate market capitalization (unit: NT$ billion) 6,190
Aggregate market capitalization as share of GDP 24.9
Stock market trading volume (Unit: NT$ billion) 2,320
Stock market turnover rate 37.48
P/E ratio 30.87
Domestic companies with an OTC listing 820
Share of aggregate market capitalization held by foreign investors 16.67
Stock index volatility (change from preceding month) 1.07
6 Insurance efficiency Insurance density (Unit: NT Dollars)
Insurance penetration

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